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The Geometry of Cosmatesque Ornament

Cosmatesque ornament is a style of geometric inlay stonework from Medieval Italy. A form of opus sectile, this technique uses coloured stone or glass, cut into small geometric shapes, to form elaborate patterns. Primarily used for church floors, the Cosmatesque ornament also decorated columns, walls and immovable church furnishings. Named after the Cosmati family of craftsmen, the style is mainly found in and around Rome, but a notable example outside of Italy is the marble floor of Westminster Abbey.

This course will take inspiration from the tutor's ongoing on-site research at different locations in the Eternal City and in its vicinity. During the course, students will learn about the different components of a Cosmatesque pavement and acquire skills necessary to analyse and draw the various parts and their infilling patterns with the use of a compass and ruler.

The course will also include a brief discussion on the historical background of Cosmatesque ornaments, along with a summary of their symbolism in the context in which they were created. It will examine materials used to construct the pavements and the possible materials an artist can use today to make Cosmatesque geometric art. Additionally, the course will look at how these pavements currently function within the churches of Rome.

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  • The Geometry of Cosmatesque Ornament
    The Geometry of Cosmatesque Ornament
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The Geometry of Cosmatesque Ornament

Cosmatesque ornament is a style of geometric inlay stonework from Medieval Italy. A form of opus sectile, this technique uses coloured stone or glass, cut into small geometric shapes, to form elaborate patterns. Primarily used for church floors, the Cosmatesque ornament also decorated columns, walls and immovable church furnishings. Named after the Cosmati family of craftsmen, the style is mainly found in and around Rome, but a notable example outside of Italy is the marble floor of Westminster Abbey.

This course will take inspiration from the tutor's ongoing on-site research at different locations in the Eternal City and in its vicinity. During the course, students will learn about the different components of a Cosmatesque pavement and acquire skills necessary to analyse and draw the various parts and their infilling patterns with the use of a compass and ruler.

The course will also include a brief discussion on the historical background of Cosmatesque ornaments, along with a summary of their symbolism in the context in which they were created. It will examine materials used to construct the pavements and the possible materials an artist can use today to make Cosmatesque geometric art. Additionally, the course will look at how these pavements currently function within the churches of Rome.

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