School of Traditional Arts Ticket Portal

Lecture: Beauty Prepares us for Eternity with Dr Martin Shaw

Mythologist and author Martin Shaw on the need for beauty and its connection to sacred ground. Through myth, poetry and personal account we will explore the need to not just experience beauty but create it in our own lives. That beauty making is a skill, and strongly connected to our capacity to praise. 

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  • Lecture: Beauty Prepares us for Eternity with Dr Martin Shaw
    Lecture: Beauty Prepares us for Eternity with Dr Martin Shaw
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Lecture: Beauty Prepares us for Eternity with Dr Martin Shaw

Mythologist and author Martin Shaw on the need for beauty and its connection to sacred ground. Through myth, poetry and personal account we will explore the need to not just experience beauty but create it in our own lives. That beauty making is a skill, and strongly connected to our capacity to praise. 

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